declutter your life to make space for the life that is yours

“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor, it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living” – Peter Walsh

Does this resonate with you?

Do you truly know, what life is yours? Or do you feel overwhelmed with the transition to get there? Or maybe you feel overwhelmed because your life isn’t where you would like it to be.

You’re always dreaming of a better life but when you reflect back at your own, you feel overwhelmed with the perceived momentum and mountain you feel you need to climb to get there.

Even though that life is truly yours for the taking, you’re crippled by the idea of how much work you think it would take, which you’re not sure if it’s worth it.

This means you would have to declutter friendships and relationships, but you don’t want to hurt or be attacked so you stay silent, only dreaming of a better life.

Whatever the reason. Just know you are exactly where you need to be in this moment.

In this moment, while reading this, maybe you have some ideas of how you want to shift your life but not sure how to take action.

The truth is you already know what you need to do and how to do it. Your issue is having the courage to take action in spite of all your perceived fears and facing the thoughts you’re telling yourself that is holding you back.    

How do I take action for myself? What does it look like? What if I made the wrong move and my life falls apart?

One of my favorite quotes is from Rumi “ Try not to resist the changes that come your way, instead let life move through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?

Just know you’re not the only one asking yourself these questions. All you need to do is to take a step of faith in the direction you want to declutter. Physical clutter is just an outward reflection of your internal clutter, in mind body and spirit.

It’s your time… your time to start taking your life into your hands vs living life on autopilot and by default..

Designing your life takes intention and action. Like my Feng Shui master always says Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect your life to change overnight. But consistent baby steps of action will start to take you in the direction of your life you always knew was yours..

One of the foundations of my life I’ve been decluttering has been money and finances, I’ve been decluttering my mindset – my ties to what I perceive money is and how to use it. I believe living in abundance is so freeing, but creating that freeing mindset of abundance took trial and error as well as personal experience. The beauty about decluttering is that you become super aware of the things in your life that are no longer working for you.

We are human and we are constantly growing and changing, we cycle friendships, cars, clothes, hair styles, intimate relationships etc, so why do we hesitate to declutter the things in our personal space that is taking vital energy out of your life?

It’s time to declutter the things that don’t add any value to you in this moment, so you intentionally place things in you life that are amazing and bring you inspiration and joy.


Show some love by commenting below!  In what area’s are you having a hard time decluttering? or what areas of your life have you design with intention? Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. Want to learn how to bring more Design into your life?

Book your Free Discover your Magic Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

The difference between Interior Design & Feng Shui

Show some love by commenting below! Where you surprise to hear that Feng Shui and Interior Design are different things?  Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. Want to learn how to bring more Feng Shui into your life?

Book your Free Discover your Magic Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

Is your wallet setting a bad impression on your money?

Let me give you some Feng Shui tricks you can add to your abundance rituals, to welcome some of that money $$$ into your life.

Our wallet is a power asset to us because it holds our money. Your wallet also reflects how you treat your  finances, it reflects your abundance blocks and your positive or negative beliefs around money. If your wallet is overflowing with loose Receipts/Coupons and Frequently misplacing money – This represent lack of space available for positive abundance to flow, if you have receipts from months ago it’s hard for the positive flow of abundance to be welcomed in.

Here are some Tips:

  1. Keep your wallet in working order, if it starts to break or wallet colors start to crack and fade it’s time for a new one
  2. Declutter your wallet at least once a week ( throw away old receipts and have a designated envelope for receipts you need to keep)
  3. Use your Power Color to determine the best color wallet to attract abundance Link to calculate Power Color
  4. Have something in your wallet that represent abundance to you (it can be a coin) I have a $2 dollar bill in my wallet always, to reflect abundance.
  5. Toss any old credit cards, rewards cards or things you don’t use. If your paying off Credit Card debt I would recommend having these credit cards out of your wallet.

If your wallet had a voice, what would it say about your abundance habits?

Show some love by commenting below! Tell us, how you are creating abundance in your environment. Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. We also offer First Time Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

What does it mean when you have chipped dishes?

Do you have busted old dishes? Don’t worry so did I.

When you keep items that are not in good working order, you can create the energy to reflect lack. The kitchen represents abundance, how we nourish ourselves and our family. When it comes to plates they reflect how we nourish our bodies, and manage our wealth. Wealth and prosperity how it reflects in your home shares a story of your beliefs, experiences and thoughts when it comes to money and abundance. Because money is not just a paper object but a representation of the flow of money. It’s important to keep items in your kitchen in good working order.

Now as a perfectionist myself, I love to have everything just the way I’ve invision it, but it’s not always realistic due to life, budget, spending habits and your lifestyle. Having good plates in working order reflect back the small things in life that abundance takes apart in. A simple plate and how you treat your items tell a story about you.

For me replacing my plates actually took me a year, but I did it in steps.

I first physically took my plates and threw them out to create space for new prosperity to come my way. I went to the dollar store and bought some plates and bowls that were cheap but looked nice, I am not talking about plastic plates. This gave me space and time to shop for the plates I truly wanted and loved. After shopping around I found the plates that made my heart sing. “Calm down Justine, it’s just plates” But every month I would set money aside till I reach my goal of $60. In a matter of months I got my dishware set and I did it debt free without buyer’s remorse.

A Feng Shui tip I recommend, is not to purchase red or bright colorful plates. In psychology of color, the color red actually increase appetite that why fast food restaurants use this color in advertising and marketing to increase your appetite. If you’re on a diet, having red plates are not going to help you with your goals. My recommendations would be white or blue plates. White plates are neutral and normally go with all decor, you can always dress up white plates with color tablecloths, table mats etc. Blue plates help with taking our time eating and has a more smoothie effect.

Do you have items you are holding onto that are creating the energy of lack?

Show some love by commenting below! Tell us, how you make reflect abundance in your environment. Love to hear if these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. We also offer decluttering services  to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

Baby in his own room, before turning 1 !

Every moms excitement and anxiety… 

I decided a month and some weeks ago, it was time for Xander to have his own space outside my room.. It was time to reclaim my sexy space with my hubby.

Of course when I first start this processes I get super anxious because of the WHAT IF”SSSS that take over your mind, he might be scared, or need me, or if something happens and I can’t hear him etc….

I am only a door away from him RELAX! Deep breath….

So a week before my eldest son was getting ready to head back to San Diego for school, I thought it would be a great time for Xander to experience being in his room with his brother.. I wanted his first experience of being in his room, without being afraid because someone was there or he could sense someone was there, okay well to be honest it was more comfortable to know Erik was there to keep a ear out as a Just in case.. I had a comfort zone I would eventually need to transition out of.

So we set Feng Shui’d the boys room to support them as best as possible, and Xander slept amazing in his own space with his brother. It was so fabulous!! I call that a WIN

The first night of freedom was pretty amazing!

We forgot how much extra space we had in our bedroom and now we can talk and watch movies together in bed without the fear of waking up the baby.. I forgot how nice my room was. It was even hard to remember our bedroom without a baby in it..  

After Erik left to school, Xander has continued to take his naps and sleep in his own room with his night light and music for ambiance. Month has passed and it’s been really empowering for Xander to have his own space that reflects him being independent…

Now me and daddy can have even more time together to enjoy this world of parenting, one healthy boundary at a time..

Every child is different and trust yourself to know when is a good time for the both of you to start creating a space of healthy dependency within independence…Some children are easier than others depending on the circumstances, remember your child can feel what you are feeling so don’t rush into something until you feel ready. Never do it out of shame, guilt or trying to be a super mom. Trust yourself

Journey to Ireland, with fertility stone. Pregnancy 3 months later

I can’t believe my little guy is going to be 1 years old on the 16th…

This week, 2 years ago, I was in the most magical land that makes the soul just sing. It’s almost as if this land was made for your inner child. So much beauty, adventures and discovery to be had.

Pregnancy, for me, was about creating emotional and spiritual space for a baby to come. I had had a lot of trauma of w

anting to get pregnant; for one, I didn’t like how I felt with my first pregnancy. I didn’t want to be a bitchy woman or feel emotionally unstable (like unwanted tears that pop out of nowhere). Plus I loved my freedom of being a mom to one child and my son is now 11. I got married to my soulmate/ other half in 2013, and been happily married going on 5 years. I didn’t want to rush after we got married to have a baby, because I knew

that having a baby can put a lot of stress in a relationship especially if

 you haven’t gotten to know each other as persons in a marriage. I know being married doesn’t seem too hard but wh

en you’re combining two separate people to create a flow, it can be challenging and I would rather go through all that without having a child in the mix adding another layer  of stress. Jay and I decided we would wait a number of years before we decided to have children. We had so much fun getting to know each other. I can seriously say he is my best friend, and I completely enjoy hanging out with him as both his wife and friend. After giving us this time to have fun together in life, 3 years into our marriage we decided we should try to have a baby.

Now this seems to be easy right? But I had emotional blocks that was causing my body to not align to having a child. I had some deep emotional wounds concerning my son, I didn’t want him to feel rejected that I would be having another child, I alsodidn’t want to have another child and en

d up being a single mom again. I had fears of what if I change and my marriage suffers because of it. You get the pictures, lots of “what if’s” and the fears of the unknown. I expressed my fears to Jay and I worked with an acupuncturist that was amazing. I also did Reiki to help me heal whatever trauma I was holding in my Sacral Chakra, which is associated with creativity and fertility. I also had to do some forgiveness for myself and also my ex husband. Once I dealt with all that crap I felt my body was in alignment and whenever my body was ready I would be ready.

So returning back to this magical place called Ireland. I went on a trip with my beautiful mentor and spiritual sister, Amanda Collins. On my second day of the trip, during a “Mystical Journey around Ireland” retreat that Amanda was hosting, we leave Newgrange to visit a sacred site called the Hill of Tara where its said the middle stone is called “Stone of Destiny” where high kings were crowned, and a ceremony would be held there. On this land they have a graveyard with a church called Saint Patrick’s. In this graveyard they have a stone with “Goddess of Fertility’ engraved in an old Celtic looking font. Rumors state that whoever touches the stone will become pregnant.. I thought if it worked for my mentor it can work for me. Lol. So I decided to place my 3rd eye on the stone and… WOW! It felt like a vortex of energy moving around my body almost as if I was moving in a circle with the stone… it was super powerful. Through this whole trip around Ireland I did a lot of healing fears, and letting go, to heal my womb to make space for a little being to bless us with there presents.

Well 3 months later, on the morning of Christmas Eve of 2016 , we found out I was pregnant. It was so exciting we didn’t tell anyone until the evening time at dinner, it was an amazing surprise.

Unmedicated Birth Journey

We welcomed Xander A’rīon to the world on August 16th at 7:24pm, and had a complete unmedicated birth with the help of my wonderful husband and Doula, Amara, and Nell from the midwifery center the team of labor and delivery. The morning of, my water was broken a little to the point I needed to go in and get checked. I was so excited that today might be the day I officially meet my baby that I’ve been literally carrying for months. Jay made me some breakfast while I took a shower to get ready to head to the hospital. As we were driving to the midwifery center at de Paul’s, we both felt like ‘omg’ this is 

actually going to happen, but we will see how far dilated I am.

We are in the room ready to be check to see how far I am in the processes, but during my check a gush of water came out as well as meconium “baby poop” which wasn’t the best sign. At first I wasn’t to worried because I experienced the same issue when I was pregnant with Erik, my first born, but I got rushed over to labor and delivery to have me and baby Xander continuously monitored. As I am waiting to make progress with my labor I was told if I don’t make progress soon that they would start me on pitocin; I definitely didn’t want to have any drugs or hormones to be a part of my labor, so I contacted my Doula, Amara. I updated her on my progress and she gave me some recommendations to hopefully get my labor to progress soon. At this time it’s 1ish and I’ve been in the hospital  since 10am, so it was important that I started labor because my water had already broke. To try and activate labor naturally they brought me a breast pump to start stimulating for 10 minutes, but when it started Xander’s heart rate dropped dramatically for 8 minutes, which was really scary. The nurses and my midwife, Nell, rushed in to check me and gave me oxygen then had me lay on my side to help the baby de-stress. I was scared because of the fact that if Xander couldn’t handle the birth process I would end up needing a C-Section. I started to internally freak out because I wanted to make sure Xander was safe and I definitely didn’t want to have a C-Section. I started calling and texting my support of ladies asking them for prayers and loving energy. I got to chat with one of my beautiful friends Natalie Vail, who is also a Doula and Acupuncturist in San Diego, and ask her if she could do a spiritual energy clearing in my labor/ delivery room since I wasn’t able to clear the energy in the space. Over the phone I closed my eyes as she welcomed all the angels, God, spirit and all that is of high vibrations to protect me and Xander and to clear any lower energy. The prayer completely shifted the space.It felt so good I got chills and I could see baby Xander and I were surrounded by white light and angels. She also gave me a meditation to relax me, as well as, some Acupressure points to help during labor. Jay was chatting with my other warrior powerhouse women for support while Vivianne and Tanya both were holding space for me and help me to relax and to calm myself. Vivianne gave me this amazing meditation called The needle meditation:    

In which you ask God for protection and you Imagine shrinking yourself to the size of the top of a pin. Connecting with baby and having a conversation to let them know all is well and safe.. Of course their is more detail to this mediation that made it very powerful for me… 

Once I did this meditation I was connected with Xander and my contractions started and right in time for my Doula Amara to arrive. I felt so proud of myself and baby Xander for how we were handling the contractions. Jay was truly amazing, guiding me into different labor positions and squeezing my hips to release pressure. He was so amazing and such a rock for me during each contractions; supporting me, loving me, and working with Amara to bring Xander further into the birth canal. Around 6 PM my contractions started to get more intense, my body started to shake uncontrollably and at times the pain was so intense I wanted to cry but I knew I could do it. Amara had me go in the shower to let the scalding hot water hit my back to get some relief, and of course Jay was in there with me in his speedo. I will say that the water was sooooooo hot but it felt so good on my back. I was in the shower for a good 30 to 45 min and I started feeling like I am going to want to push soon. Amara told Nell that the baby might be coming soon and they found me sitting on the toilet having a contractions. One of the nurses said to me, “don’t push, you can’t push yet,” I yelled back, “I can push if I want to!” Haha

At this point I was delirious from exhaustion, my body was shaking and all I wanted to do was sleep and watch my Spanish show, “La Fea Mas Bella.” I was so done. I wobbled to the bed and I cried out “I don’t want to do this anymore.” Amara was so loving and encouraging she had me do some other labor positions to bring the baby further down, I was not fully present at this point. They had my labor ball on the bed as I was leaning over it during the labor and contractions. I was so exhausted I fell asleep twice. When I took a birthing class with Birth Insight they said some women fall asleep during active labor, which I thought was crazy. How could that happen? Well, it happened to me… twice. Then the urge to push started, the nurses and Nell were ready for me to start. I was on my hands and knees when I started pushing.  It turns out, the way you deal with contractions and how you deal with pushing or two different sensations. Even though I know that logically putting it into action I completely forgot, I was too busy thinking of when I can go to sleep. I was told I needed to shift position to get Xander to come out Amara and hubby help me get on my side because I was just shaking uncontrollably then I was ask to lay on my back poof. And with one big push poof Xander came out. All I could say was my baby my baby, Jay was so happy to see our little man and I was too worn out to cry but I did cry on the inside for how happy I was.

This unmedicated birth journey was truly an amazing experience, I felt powerful, accomplished and felt a deep connection with Xander. It reminded me the journey of life and the ups and downs we experience but at the end of all the pain and perseverance we come out stronger and more connected with who we are. Yey!! We did this birth journey together Xander with the help of daddy, Amara my Doula, Nell my midwife and the amazing staff at De Paul’s.  

Mystical Journey Around Ireland Day 2

It’s my second day in Ireland and I am just over the moon excited to see what I am going to be experiencing. I know coming here is going to be a spiritual and healing experience that was going to be profound, but i wasn’t sure how it was going to look, I was just open to anything coming my way and experiencing my vision: playing in the fields like a little child.

 Our first stop as a group was Newgrange; such a energetic and powerful site. The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange was built about 3200 BC. The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art. It was amazing to feel the energy of the land and to feel already so connected.

As we walked into this ancient site you can see carvings, groves from early people that use this temple for spiritual significance. It was really tight walking through the mini maze to make it to the center, but it was beautiful. As we got to the center the tour guide turned off all the lights so you could experience what it felt like to only have the natural light seap in through the entrance. Our group closed our eyes and held hands to really connect with this ancient space; sealed with a vibrational OM as it reverberated off the walls, it was so powerful I had had goose bumps all through my body.


Our time at Newgrange was coming to an end and it was time to walk back to the main entrance where our bus was located. It was about a 30 min walk and in the typical adventurist fashion a couple of us got lost and took the wrong turn. We had such a friendly local come to our rescue and drove a car full of women back to the museum, I have to say we made his day. Haha 🙂

While we were lost, and without realizing it, we happen to have our wonderful photographer friend with us, Monique, and we all took turns finding beautiful places to explore and take pictures. 





Day 1 Mystical Journey Around Ireland

I seriously can’t believe today is my one year anniversary from being in Ireland. It’s such a magical place, full of adventure, and where you can let you inner child play and run free… Which I did a lot of.

When I first arrived, I landed in Dublin. I was already so excited to experience what Ireland had to offer, I was excited to see all my wonderful friends from San Diego which I miss soooooo freakin much and of course to see my dear friend Amanda Collins that was hosting this retreat in her home land called “Mystical Journey Around Ireland.” I totally recommend this retreat.

First stop was the Guinness Brewery, I am not a big fan of beer but OMG!!! Their beer was so yummy, and me and my gfs Natalie and Olivia had ourselves a good time exploring the place. The Guinness Brewery had this amazing 360 degrees bar at the very top, you could see all of Dublin and probably further out. They had couches and a great seating area right on the windows for you to admire the view and enjoy your amazing beer. It was seriously breathtaking. We also took a class on how to properly pour our beer, so now we were certified pourers, lol!

After we got our fun in for the day, It was time to go meet up with the rest of the group of ladies. Our hotel was so adorable, I still can’t get over how small the elevators are in Europe it’s quite funny to me trying to crush myself and my luggage into it to get to my room. The hotel was very boutique and elegant; one of my favorite parts is that they offered Elderberry tincture which was really yummy. My room was beautiful, it had a beautiful view of the street, but because Ireland is so green it made the view so beautiful with a nice breeze coming into our room at night. 

The food was delicious!! We were a group of 15 people and made our way to a restaurant called the Bloom. Of course they were expecting us so we had no problems.

Day 1 of Ireland was really relaxing but nothing compares to what the next few days that were to come, looking forward to sharing this journey with you.

What is Life Design Coaching?

What is Life Design Coaching?

Life Design Coaching is a combination of Classical Feng Shui principles and Transformational Coaching. I bring these two philosophies to help you create your ideal state, or your desired state, you want your life to look, feel, taste, smell and hear. What is your ideal state/ present state? Your ideal state pretty much is what you are moving towards and your present state is what is currently going on. We will focus on that which you’re not too excited about, or frustrated with and not sure how to move forward or feel stuck, stagnant, unproductive or things aren’t going your way in your life. (This is usually an indicator something in your life is not energetically aligned or no longer working for you anymore and it’s time to shift your thinking, environment etc.)

But you have this vision of what you see yourself to be. Life design coaching is that bridge between your presents state (with the things that are no longer serving you) taking you on the journey in the direction of the life you desire – your future state.

What I do is help you identify what that bridge looks like, because at times we get caught up in our heads and we aren’t sure what direction is what and how to make things happen.

One of the ways I help you identify this bridge is by analyzing your home. Why your home? Well, your home is the eyes into your subconscious mind where thoughts, beliefs, values, trauma and life experiences reflect like a vision board blueprint. It’s also a view of things you are not consciously aware of that could be blocking you from your desires. Each area of your home represents a different aspect in your life, in what we call in Feng Shui the bagua map. The bagua map is divided into 9 areas split in the cardinal directions, but I will go into more detail of the bagua map in a later blog.

I analyze your home to what subconsciously you’re putting in your space and what objects you’re putting into your space that are holding you back. For example, from my experience first thing I would see is clutter. You will notice that your clutter would tend to gravitate to certain areas in your home. This is usually an indicator that there is some stuck energy there (emotional beliefs that is creating the clutter to gravitate to this area that needs to be address) or there is no existing definition and that space needs to be defined for you. For example, maybe you’re going through a transition phase in your life in your career but you’re not sure what is the next step or how to define the next path to your career. You’re in a career crisis, I would say let’s look at the North area of your home, the north area of your home in Feng Shui represents your career and life journey. Is that area of your home under remodel? Do you have a lot of clutter there? Maybe you have old boxes from your past you haven’t gone through yet. Maybe it’s your junk room. Or maybe that area is completely clean and organized and it looks wonderful but maybe it doesn’t reflect you anymore. So, what we would do together first is clear the clutter and go through every object in that space to make sure you love it and it inspires you… resonates with you and has the energy vibration that resembles what your new chapter you’re wanting to cultivate, to help bridge that gap of what no longer serves you and where your wanting to go. We look at the objects, artwork, colors, floor plan, how the space is set up, and begin creating affirmations. Why affirmations, that’s totally woo woo? Well affirmations are very powerful because it directs your mind to focus on what you desire. If you don’t have a focus goal of what you truly want it’s hard to hit that target you just end up shooting in the dark. Writing affirmations are a way to have a target and a visualize goals to aim towards versus wishing and hoping things will come your way and work out without any directions. Affirmations are also great reminders when you’re feeling down and frustrated what your goal is and the directions your heading. This is the gist of life design.

After we work with your space and have it reflect energetically your future state of being, your life will start to shift and change. How does this happen?

Well from an energy perspective your current state is vibrating at a certain frequency, let’s say a lower frequency, and your future state is vibrating at a way higher frequency than where you’re at right now to get to the ideal state you need to make some shifts and changes to match the frequency to get what you want.  So, what we do with your space moves the energy in your home to elevate you to match what your future state looks like. You are bridging that gap by addressing trauma, beliefs, and healing you’re doing self-reflection and paying attention to the different emotions and beliefs you don’t need to carry anymore.

We are constantly growing and changing as we experience life. We create new beliefs, new values and perspectives. We want your home and the spaces you spend the most time with to reflect that growth and change. If you haven’t changed or moved anything in your environment for years, and you have things in your space just to have them, not because they add any value to you, what you’re saying is you have No room for new opportunities and no space to welcome in anything in your life. Just get rid of all the crap in your space that doesn’t reflect you and what brings you joy.

While going on this journey of analyzing your home I use techniques from Transformational Coaching to address the emotional aspects that come up through this process to help you let go and help you see your potential and power within to create the life you desire and wish to create for yourself

This is what I like to call growth and a new found of awareness one of my favorite quotes from Rumi “Don’t worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come”