Tag Archive for: Feng Shui

Energy doesn’t work with your wants until you face what you need.

How many of us are constantly chasing for a better life? But when that better life is in front of us, or on the horizon, we shy away from doing the deep work that we need to do in order to get what we want. I’ve learned over the years if I truly want something with all my might, I must do the deep work to get it. I have to release and declutter the areas in my life that are no longer serving me. I need to make room too manifest the things that are already mine.

We were only born with so much energy so when we hold on and hoard old energy that is no longer serving us we get upset with anguish because we can’t have the things that we want. You have to let go in order to receive, it’s the energy exchange. This needs to happen for you to get the things that you want. You must face your fears, your guilt, and your anxiety to get the things that you want – if you truly want whatever it is that you’re wanting to manifest.

Whether that be a relationship, more money, or a successful career you need to look at what is stopping you from getting what you want. What underlying issue are you not facing or belief you are holding onto that is creating that block. For me, it’s usually fear.

When you’ve dealt with trauma you never feel like you’re going to get what you deserve (what you want) because from your point of view you’ve never gotten what you wanted.
I would challenge you today to make a list of everything that you’ve ever wanted and did received, this will interrupt your thinking to focus on all the times you did get what you want. It will help you will realize you had what you wanted all along, it was your life experience and your trauma that put a film over your eyes for you not to see the truth.

In order to get the things you want you need to face what you need in order to get there.


Book your Free Discover your Magic Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

declutter your life to make space for the life that is yours

“Clutter is not just the stuff on your floor, it’s anything that stands between you and the life you want to be living” – Peter Walsh

Does this resonate with you?

Do you truly know, what life is yours? Or do you feel overwhelmed with the transition to get there? Or maybe you feel overwhelmed because your life isn’t where you would like it to be.

You’re always dreaming of a better life but when you reflect back at your own, you feel overwhelmed with the perceived momentum and mountain you feel you need to climb to get there.

Even though that life is truly yours for the taking, you’re crippled by the idea of how much work you think it would take, which you’re not sure if it’s worth it.

This means you would have to declutter friendships and relationships, but you don’t want to hurt or be attacked so you stay silent, only dreaming of a better life.

Whatever the reason. Just know you are exactly where you need to be in this moment.

In this moment, while reading this, maybe you have some ideas of how you want to shift your life but not sure how to take action.

The truth is you already know what you need to do and how to do it. Your issue is having the courage to take action in spite of all your perceived fears and facing the thoughts you’re telling yourself that is holding you back.    

How do I take action for myself? What does it look like? What if I made the wrong move and my life falls apart?

One of my favorite quotes is from Rumi “ Try not to resist the changes that come your way, instead let life move through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?

Just know you’re not the only one asking yourself these questions. All you need to do is to take a step of faith in the direction you want to declutter. Physical clutter is just an outward reflection of your internal clutter, in mind body and spirit.

It’s your time… your time to start taking your life into your hands vs living life on autopilot and by default..

Designing your life takes intention and action. Like my Feng Shui master always says Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect your life to change overnight. But consistent baby steps of action will start to take you in the direction of your life you always knew was yours..

One of the foundations of my life I’ve been decluttering has been money and finances, I’ve been decluttering my mindset – my ties to what I perceive money is and how to use it. I believe living in abundance is so freeing, but creating that freeing mindset of abundance took trial and error as well as personal experience. The beauty about decluttering is that you become super aware of the things in your life that are no longer working for you.

We are human and we are constantly growing and changing, we cycle friendships, cars, clothes, hair styles, intimate relationships etc, so why do we hesitate to declutter the things in our personal space that is taking vital energy out of your life?

It’s time to declutter the things that don’t add any value to you in this moment, so you intentionally place things in you life that are amazing and bring you inspiration and joy.


Show some love by commenting below!  In what area’s are you having a hard time decluttering? or what areas of your life have you design with intention? Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. Want to learn how to bring more Design into your life?

Book your Free Discover your Magic Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

The difference between Interior Design & Feng Shui

Show some love by commenting below! Where you surprise to hear that Feng Shui and Interior Design are different things?  Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. Want to learn how to bring more Feng Shui into your life?

Book your Free Discover your Magic Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

What are the different schools of Feng Shui?

Show some love by commenting below! Are there Feng Shui practices you love more than others?Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. Want to learn how to bring more Feng Shui into your life? Book your Free Discover your Magic Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

Is your wallet setting a bad impression on your money?

Let me give you some Feng Shui tricks you can add to your abundance rituals, to welcome some of that money $$$ into your life.

Our wallet is a power asset to us because it holds our money. Your wallet also reflects how you treat your  finances, it reflects your abundance blocks and your positive or negative beliefs around money. If your wallet is overflowing with loose Receipts/Coupons and Frequently misplacing money – This represent lack of space available for positive abundance to flow, if you have receipts from months ago it’s hard for the positive flow of abundance to be welcomed in.

Here are some Tips:

  1. Keep your wallet in working order, if it starts to break or wallet colors start to crack and fade it’s time for a new one
  2. Declutter your wallet at least once a week ( throw away old receipts and have a designated envelope for receipts you need to keep)
  3. Use your Power Color to determine the best color wallet to attract abundance Link to calculate Power Color  http://bit.ly/PowerColors2019
  4. Have something in your wallet that represent abundance to you (it can be a coin) I have a $2 dollar bill in my wallet always, to reflect abundance.
  5. Toss any old credit cards, rewards cards or things you don’t use. If your paying off Credit Card debt I would recommend having these credit cards out of your wallet.

If your wallet had a voice, what would it say about your abundance habits?

Show some love by commenting below! Tell us, how you are creating abundance in your environment. Love to hear how these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. We also offer First Time Session to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

What does it mean when you have chipped dishes?

Do you have busted old dishes? Don’t worry so did I.

When you keep items that are not in good working order, you can create the energy to reflect lack. The kitchen represents abundance, how we nourish ourselves and our family. When it comes to plates they reflect how we nourish our bodies, and manage our wealth. Wealth and prosperity how it reflects in your home shares a story of your beliefs, experiences and thoughts when it comes to money and abundance. Because money is not just a paper object but a representation of the flow of money. It’s important to keep items in your kitchen in good working order.

Now as a perfectionist myself, I love to have everything just the way I’ve invision it, but it’s not always realistic due to life, budget, spending habits and your lifestyle. Having good plates in working order reflect back the small things in life that abundance takes apart in. A simple plate and how you treat your items tell a story about you.

For me replacing my plates actually took me a year, but I did it in steps.

I first physically took my plates and threw them out to create space for new prosperity to come my way. I went to the dollar store and bought some plates and bowls that were cheap but looked nice, I am not talking about plastic plates. This gave me space and time to shop for the plates I truly wanted and loved. After shopping around I found the plates that made my heart sing. “Calm down Justine, it’s just plates” But every month I would set money aside till I reach my goal of $60. In a matter of months I got my dishware set and I did it debt free without buyer’s remorse.

A Feng Shui tip I recommend, is not to purchase red or bright colorful plates. In psychology of color, the color red actually increase appetite that why fast food restaurants use this color in advertising and marketing to increase your appetite. If you’re on a diet, having red plates are not going to help you with your goals. My recommendations would be white or blue plates. White plates are neutral and normally go with all decor, you can always dress up white plates with color tablecloths, table mats etc. Blue plates help with taking our time eating and has a more smoothie effect.

Do you have items you are holding onto that are creating the energy of lack?

Show some love by commenting below! Tell us, how you make reflect abundance in your environment. Love to hear if these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. We also offer decluttering services  to support you on your journey of taking back your space, to creating the life not by default but by design. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign #LifeDesignFengShui


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Join the movement of living life not by default but by design…

Top 9 Ways to Enhance Your Work Area to Promote Focus, Creativity & Metal Clarity

  1. Clear Clutter by setting 2 to 5 minutes aside at the end of your work day. Keeping your area clean and organized will help relieve stress and anxiety, to make room to focus on important task. Everything should have a place.  
  2. Playing music can soothe and increase productivity. I recommend Baroque music, studies have shown that it’s the best music for focus & productivity.
  3. Create Mini Vision Board as your desktop screen or in a 8×10 frame to hang. You want your goals, passion or something that motivates you, in your view constantly.
  4. Place a vase of flowers & plants on your desk, shelves or empty corners to enhance the air quality & mood.  
  5. Bring in a Himalayan salt lamps or Himalayan Salt plug in to reduce your exposure to Electromagnetic Field (EMF’s). Constant exposure to EMF’s can leave the body fatigue & stress.. Salt crystals release negative ions which helps the body release stress & anxiety.
  6. Consider desk placement; you want a supportive position. Place yourself with your back against the wall in view of your door.
  7. If you are in a cubicle & your back is exposed, place a decorative mirror in front of you to see what’s going on behind your back. Good desk placement helps the nervous system relax vs being on high alert.
  8. Place pictures of nature or ocean if your office has no windows and is dark. Nature pictures create the illusion of being outside, and makes the body & mind  happy and productive.
  9. Full spectrum lighting instead of fluorescent lights.   

What are some tools you use to Promote Focus, Creativity & Metal Clarity in your Office?

Show some love by commenting below! Tell us, how you create a productive space in your office. Love to hear if these tools are helping you be more productive and inspired. We also offer decluttering services  to support you on your journey of taking back your space. If you ever have any questions please feel free to Contact Us, I love to answer your questions.

Sending you lots of love & blessing your way


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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesign


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Welcome Happy Energy Into Your Home For Fall! |13 Tips

Fall is Here!
It’s time to shift some energy, as you transition from Summer the element of Fire to Fall the element of metal. Just as nature goes through its cycles of change, so do you and your homes. What helps the smooth transition of cycles? The quality of energy that is coming into your home. These principles can also be applied to any building.
In Feng Shui, the front door is seen as one of the most important areas of the home. Why is this you may ask? Your front door is called the mouth of Chi, this is the initial energy frequency your home welcomes into your space. So, if you have a untamed yard, trash all over the ground, or your grass and plants are nonexistent, it would be rather difficult for you to welcome in beautiful abundant energy into the space. Because the front door is where you want to set a good impression for good energy to flow, here are some tips to keep abundance and opportunities coming your way.
  1. Declutter your porch of any broken items or things that have no use.
  2. Replace Porch Light, Door Bell & Door knobs if they are not in working order
  3. Replace any dead plants
  4. Add a Welcome Mat to welcome your guest and good energy into your home.
  5. Put a decorative Fall wreath or sign to attract the happy vibes
  6. Clean your windows on the outside
  7. Add a fresh coat of paint
  8. Add planters with colorful flowers, to bring more energy to your front door.
  9. Sweep your front entrance and clear any spider webs
  10. Clear any benches or chairs that are blocking or restricting your walkway
  11. Add a Bird Feeders to welcome in some nature
  12. Avoid pointy items at your front door (This turns good energy into not so good)
  13. Avoid placing mirrors on your front door. (This can push away opportunities and abundance)
Most importantly, when caring for your entrance, use the best intentions to set the stage for happy energy! Enhancing your front doors’ energy with your intentions enhances your own abundances.
What kind of energy is your front door creating? Is it welcoming happy energy or something else?
CALL TO ACTION! Lets See Your Front Entrance! Take a photo of your Front Entrance post it on Passion Style Purpose Social Media Page with #13tips

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesignCoaching


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.

Calculating Personal Trigram| Feng Shui Element

Are you having a hard time choosing colors for you Home, Business or even Clothes?

In Feng Shui this is called calculating your personal Trigram, in which we take the year you were born and calculate it to get your personal element number.

Your personal trigram determines what your element is, your power colors and the cardinal directions that support for bed placement, productivity for work and good digestions for eating. You can also use these tool  for speaking engagement, interview or need a extra boost of sunshine positivity in our life.

I like to use my power colors that are Reds, Oranges and Purples, during the colder seasons to support my mood and to feel fabulous. 


Lets get started!

How you Calculate your Personal Trigram

*Note: If you were born between Jan- Feb 5th you will go back a year..

Example: if you were born in 1987 you will now calculate in 1986

This calculation is based on the Chinese solar calendar

  1. Take the year you were born 1978
  2. Add 1976 to a single digit 1+9+7+8= 25  2+5=7
  3. Take the single digit in this case 7 and add or subtract based on your gender
  4. If you are a Male Subtract by 11 If you are a Female Add 4
  5. Female 7+4= 11 1+1=2
  6. Male 11-7= 4
  7. If results is a 5, the digit gets changed to 8 if you are a Female and 2 for Male

The final single digit which is your Feng Shui Element

  1. Female 2
  2. Male 4

Get your Personal Trigram Graphic  

Element 1

Element 2

Element 3

Element 4

Element 6

Element 7

Element 8

Element 9

What do you want to use your Personal Trigram for?

Comment below and tell us what your Feng Shui Element is, and any insight you want to share. 🙂

Want to learn more about Power Colors? Click on this link to watch.


Sending you lots of love & blessing your way

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#PassionStylePurpose #LifeDesignCoaching


Hi guys name is Justine Hernandez I am a Life Design Coach. I like to focus on your environment and how your subconscious blocks are also manifesting through your home or business. I use Feng Shui principles and transformational coaching tools, to help you identify your vision, goals and journey to creating more of a life that you love and expresses your Passions, Style, and Purpose.


Mystical Journey Around Ireland Day 2

It’s my second day in Ireland and I am just over the moon excited to see what I am going to be experiencing. I know coming here is going to be a spiritual and healing experience that was going to be profound, but i wasn’t sure how it was going to look, I was just open to anything coming my way and experiencing my vision: playing in the fields like a little child.

 Our first stop as a group was Newgrange; such a energetic and powerful site. The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange was built about 3200 BC. The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art. It was amazing to feel the energy of the land and to feel already so connected.

As we walked into this ancient site you can see carvings, groves from early people that use this temple for spiritual significance. It was really tight walking through the mini maze to make it to the center, but it was beautiful. As we got to the center the tour guide turned off all the lights so you could experience what it felt like to only have the natural light seap in through the entrance. Our group closed our eyes and held hands to really connect with this ancient space; sealed with a vibrational OM as it reverberated off the walls, it was so powerful I had had goose bumps all through my body.


Our time at Newgrange was coming to an end and it was time to walk back to the main entrance where our bus was located. It was about a 30 min walk and in the typical adventurist fashion a couple of us got lost and took the wrong turn. We had such a friendly local come to our rescue and drove a car full of women back to the museum, I have to say we made his day. Haha 🙂

While we were lost, and without realizing it, we happen to have our wonderful photographer friend with us, Monique, and we all took turns finding beautiful places to explore and take pictures.